Landlord Legislation due April 2021!
Did you know that there’s well over 100 legally binding pieces of legislation surrounding renting a property? And we’re sorry to tell you that they’re not exactly what you’d call ‘easy reading’…
So if you’re considering renting out your property, you may have a bit more reading to do than you initially bargained for… Luckily, we offer you ‘Armchair Service’ at eProperty agent, meaning we take the strain from you, looking after all the rules, regulations and ensuring your property is managed efficiently, tenanted cautiously and above all else, up to code in accordance with the law.
Why read through over a hundred pieces of legislation, when all you need to do is call us!
EICR Certificates due April 2021!
Being a landlord is an enormous responsibility. Not only are you responsible for certain upkeep elements, but it is your undeniable duty to ensure the safety of tenants whom reside in your property. With this in mind, from the 1st July 2021, there will be a requirement for any properties rented out in the private rented sector to have an Electrical Safety Inspection Certificate for the property. The regulations will come into force for new lets and renewals of tenancies with effect from 1st April 2021.
It will be unlawful to rent a property which breaches the requirement for the certificate. Should you wish to know more about the legislation, how to arrange an inspection, costing and also the necessity of it, a copy of the legal provisions is available to read here
These new Regulations require landlords to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a person who is qualified and competent, at least every 5 years. Landlords have to provide a copy of the electrical safety report to their tenants, and to their local authority if requested.
This means that all landlords now have to do what good landlords already do: make sure the electrical installations in their rented properties are safe.
How do I find a ‘qualified and competent person’ to carry out the test?
When commissioning an inspection, in order to establish if a person is qualified and competent landlords can:
check if the inspector is a member of a competent person scheme; or
require the inspector to sign a checklist certifying their competence, including their experience, whether they have adequate insurance and hold a qualification covering the current version of the Wiring Regulations and the periodic inspection, testing and certification of electrical installations.
So that’s an overview on EICR’s… Daunted yet?
Dont worry, call us! We’ve got it covered