EPA are proactive, not reactive

Amidst a global pandemic, you’ll need an agency who work with you, not against you…

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Active listening, understanding and the ability to express compassion are all crucial elements for maintaining client and customer satisfaction. Without them, we simply cannot claim that our service is as brilliant as we know it is. This is an ethos that eProperty Agent hold dear, and take extremely seriously. Don’t believe us? Just ask Goodlord…

Goodlord are the sizeable Prop Tech company, well known for implementing lettings software that enhances and simplifies the process for agents, landlords and tenants alike. For the second time since the global pandemic began, our company head Robert Neill was able to sit down, take part in an interview and tackle all things Covid - 19, communicating and the future of the rental market.

“We've had no one in a property not paying their rent due to Covid-19. The majority have managed to get up to date and a small percentage have agreed to payment plans that they're sticking to,” says Robert Neill, Head of E Property Agent. “I honestly think that's because of communicating and being fair with people.”

Robert goes into detail about how eProperty Agent have managed to handle the current global pandemic, citing “being fair” and “communication” as the primary tools in our approach. A key element in this approach involved being proactive, going out of our way to find the best possible solutions to suit all parties involved. And due to our innovative methods, we’ve been able to avoid tenant evictions.


“You need to adapt with the times, even though it's really difficult, It’s important that we not only survive but thrive as an industry - and I believe we must keep moving forward to do this.”

In another interview with Robert conducted earlier this year, he advised Goodlord on EPA’s adaption to Covid - 19 to keep both client’s and tenants satisfied. Recognising early on that the pandemic could have an impactful effect on agencies and their tenants, the companies’ senior team was briefed with crisis training so that if financial complications arise for tenants, we are well versed on tackling the situation.

“The industry needs to keep moving forwards, not backwards. Agencies should be more proactive, not reactive.”

At eProperty Agent, we firmly believe that the key to survival in these unprecedented times is to be consistently adapting, moulding and sculpting the way we do things to make a bad situation work for us. Being proactive allows us to remain vigilant, keeping our eyes on the ball for new opportunities. If we’re figuring out how to react, we’re already too late.


Tenants Secured - One Day Void Period!


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